It’s no secret that many people can be confused by the following question: what should I talk with a foreigner, with an essentially stranger? TripTogether.com review It is not easy for every woman to develop a casual conversation with a stranger.
The simplest and most obvious answer to this question is: if you do not know what to write to a foreigner, develop a dialogue, ask him the questions that interest you!
In our opinion, acquaintance with a man from abroad should be purposeful, conscious and productive . This is not just an exchange of greetings, compliments and photos, this is not an expectation of his initiative and questions, but a conscious search for the right person for the future, your search and your decision.
Conscious Search
When communicating with men on an international dating site, you pursue a specific goal – to find the right man and meet him in real life in order to understand how suitable you are for each other. Only meetings can show whether a relationship between you is possible in real life. The process of “recognizing” each other before the first meeting should not drag on for many months. For this reason, we advise you to draw up DilMil.co for yourself a certain range of topics, questions that interest you and which are important for you to know, in order to understand whether you see the possibility of a relationship with this man, or communication should be interrupted.
Search Criteria
Each lady has certain “search criteria”, ideas about what kind of man she would like to meet. These can be, for example:
- His personal qualities, traits of his character.
- His level of education and professional activities (who he works).
- Marital status: single, divorced or in divorce proceedings.
- housing situation.
- The presence of children, the question of whether the children live with him.
- Desire or unwillingness to have a child in the future.
- Attitude to the presence of children with a partner.
- Attitude to alcohol and smoking, the absence of bad habits.
- His religion and attitude to religion.
Talk With A Foreigner
In addition, many women are interested in how a man sees a relationship with a woman from another country and whether dating group he has a plan for a joint future when he meets the right woman for him.
These are very important questions that you should not hesitate to ask a man. Therefore, we advise you to formulate for yourself a list of questions that, in your opinion, it is important to discuss, and ask them to a man in a polite, relaxed manner. Remember that your interlocutor should not feel like a suspect during interrogation.
By asking a foreign gentleman questions that interest you, you will show how serious you are about getting to know each other. This will make a more positive impression on the man than silence on your part and waiting for his questions. Silence, the absence of questions in letters and messages, laconicism and unequivocal answers (for example, the answer “yes” or “no” to a question that may imply a more detailed answer) – all this for a man is a sign of a woman’s lack of interest in dating.
And daily communication with a foreigner (for example, in anticipation of an already scheduled meeting) can be formed on the basis of common interests, hobbies, stories about how the day went, what new and interesting things happened in your life.
Topics and Questions to Avoid – Talk With a Foreigner
Questions about the financial situation of a man. This includes all requests to name the level of income, list movable or immovable property. There is a big difference between asking what a man does professionally and asking for specific figures on his income. Such questions will put a woman in an unfavorable light. It doesn’t matter if he is wealthy or has an average income, any man wants to be sincerely loved and build relationships with a woman on a disinterested basis. Otherwise, if the value of a man is “calculated” from his income level, the relationship acquires a shade of market, purchase and sale relations.
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Details of previous relationships. The purpose of meeting a foreigner is a new relationship and a joint future. If you or your new acquaintance, in communication, pay special attention to the topic of past relationships. Thereby you show. that you are not ready for a new relationship. Since previous relationships still play. An important role in your life (since they are give so much attention in a conversation with a new potential bride or groom). The experience of previous. Relationships in communication with. A new foreign acquaintance can be mention. But it should not become the main topic of long communication, long letters.
Intimate themes. Postpone such topics until the time when you really become a couple. A real couple, not just internet acquaintances.