I know the holidays are just around the corner…And how lonely this time of Epic Love In Your Life the year can feel if you don’t have that special someone to share them with…
But here’s the truth.
- There’s never been a better time to reinvent yourself and step into the life you’ve always wanted.
- If you’re ready to take action right now…
- Here are three dating strategies to create epic love in your life right now:
Get into action using what we call the ASSESS, ADJUST and NURTURE principle.
You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have a little ember inside of you that knows that it’s too soon to give up on your dream to be in a healthy intimate relationship. That voice that tells you not to settle for a backup life where you are single, forever the favorite Auntie. Epic Love In Your Life It’s time to recognize LetmeDate that ember and honor that desire because it is the part of you that is authentic and empowered.
Unfortunately, for most of us, we feel like we have to fight to keep that ember alive. We feel like we are stuck on a dating treadmill, fighting against dating burnout and fighting against all the circumstances seemingly standing in the way of living the life we dream about. Trying to solve this all at once is too overwhelming. Instead, break it into three smaller steps. First, you need to assess. Take a look at 2021, or even 2020 and ask yourself some important questions so that you can make a fair assessment.
How many dates did you go on per month? How many of the men you dated were you excited about, that you wanted to see again? Is being ‘open’ starting to look like settling? Are you still with a guy who you know deep down will never give you what you want? Take 30 minutes this week to do this dating and relationship assessment and look for patterns. Now that you’ve assessed, it’s time to adjust! Epic Love In Your Life Once you are aware of some behaviors or belief patterns that are not helping you move forward, that are dampening that ember, create a plan to make some adjustments. Then, nurture yourself with a support system to hold you accountable to your dreams and stay engaged in the process. This could be a friend, a family member, or more structured support through a coach.
Give up the FIGHT!
As very successful high-achieving women, we learn that in order to get what we want we have to power through. We believe that we have to fight for what we want, that it is hard work to feel powerful when it comes to love. As you engage in step 1, imagine what it would look like if you were working through the process with effortless power versus powering through? How would you approach the process if you were excited and empowered? If your walls were down AND you felt strong and emotionally safe. LetmeDate.Com Imagine it just for a moment, closing your eyes and allowing those feelings to be felt throughout your whole body. When you feel complete, open your eyes and write down one empowered action step you can take in which you are not fighting, reacting or acting from a place of fear or protection.
Treat your LOVE life like you do your career!
When you have a plan to change and know what to do, oftentimes it’s still challenging to do things differently. The bottom line is we have old wiring in our brain that makes it really hard to implement. Even if you have done personal work on your love life, there is something unconscious. That is keeping you stuck year after year. Harness the part of you that would never settle for staying stuck in your career and start to look. At other ways to solve your problem. To get a different result. Remember that you might have to do something different.
Research shows that great leaders are always looking for at least three new ideas to solve a problem. That continues to exist. They don’t settle for “I can’t” or “I don’t know.” Leverage your leadership ability and your time to solve your love problem. Like you would a work problem. Get help. Be creative and innovative. Be efficient. What’s the part of the equation that you cannot yet see? Who can help you see things from a different perspective? Epic Love In Your Life Remember that life is precious. As is every single breath and every single step you take. You have the opportunity right now to do things you never could before. To grow in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine. Be fierce and take back control.
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And, if you want a mentor to help accelerate your results and make finding. The right guy for you feel natural and fun, our highly trained team can work with you to:
- Identify and resolve the thought and behavior patterns that keep you from attracting a healthy emotional available partner so that you can create a lasting, loving partnership.
- Gracefully let go of what isn’t working and move naturally into the best, most authentic version of you so that you become irresistible to the right man for you.
- Create a customized strategy for you to start attracting high-quality men online, offline, everywhere … in the fastest time possible.